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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Schnitzer, Paula Maria.A Comparative analysis of two computerized methods for patient history collection.HELP (Computer File); Medical Records1987-08thesis
2 Adams, Austin HowardA comparison of creatinine measurement by the Jaffe and enzymatic methods in an outpatient populationBiochemistry; Medicine2014-12thesis
3 Kotter, Marie Elaine LikinsA comparison of instructional methods used in college-based medical-technology programs.Curricula; Teaching1973-12thesis
4 Derricott, Harold RolandA comparison of job content and job descriptions among Utah laboratorians.Medical Technologists; Job Descriptions1982-06thesis
5 Taylor, John MichaelA comparison of the cyclone and the horizontal elutriator for sampling respirable dust in a Utah coal mine.Dust Control; Mine Safety1982-06thesis
6 Hooper, James KimballA Computer system for measurement of systolic time intervals.Heart Beat; Data Processing; Medicine1982-03thesis
7 Rothert, Stephen William.A Computerized approach to dietary analysis.Renal Dialysis; Nutrition1978-12thesis
8 Gennaro, John Louis.A Computerized radiology ordering/reporting system based on most likely diagnoses.Medicine; Data Processing; Radiology, Medical1980-03thesis
9 Kingston, T. RayA correlation of the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx and the urinary tract to "Bacterial Allergy."Urinary Organs; Microbiology; Nasopharynx1951thesis
10 Chiaro, Tyson RichardA member of the mycobiome modulates a host metabolite to increase intestinal permeability and diseaseMicrobiology; Immunology2015-05thesis
11 Holden, Kathryn Irene.A Model for problem solving using computer-assisted instruction.Learning Theories; Instructional Design1980-12thesis
12 Bale, Martha JensA needs assessment for and development of an instructional manual on clinical microbiology for medical personnel.Questionnaiares1981-06thesis
13 Smith, Edward AlbertA simulator of a multiphasic patient-screening facilityMEDLAB; Digital Computer Stimulation1970-08thesis
14 Elsberry, DanielleA transgenic zebrafish model of signaling through toll-like receptors2011-05thesis
15 Zhang, YanThe ACT3 gene and epigeneticsMutation; Yeasts; Gene Expression1997-08thesis
16 Liu, TongActivation of the apoptotic pathway in response to chemotherapy in childhood leukemiaDrug Therapy2000-05thesis
17 Johnson, Nathan H.Adequacy of capillary lead specimensToxicity1995-08thesis
18 Rowland, Laura Golightly.The affects of passaging strains of Mycoplasma arthritidis and Mycoplasma hominis, type 2, in the rat.Llyophilization; Biochemical1969-06thesis
19 Moore, Richard HowardAIDS knowledge and attitudes in a Utah seventh and eighth grade populationRisk Factors; Adolescent; Health Services Research1988-12thesis
20 Robertson, Rebecca AnnaAlpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone regulation of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 1-indicible biologic responsesInflammation; MSH; Neuropeptides1989-06thesis
21 Olsen, Gregg ArdenAlteration of murine mammary tumor metastasis and growth by cytomegalovirus infectionCellular, Viral, and Molecular Biology1980-06thesis
22 Clifford, Jeffrey JordanAlternative treatment options for cryptococcal meningitis: the search for amphotericin B synergists2019thesis
23 Shu, Jing.An Analysis of knowledge engineering process.Medical Informatics; Data Processing; Computer-Assisted Decision-Making1991-06thesis
24 Beatty, Shelley Melinda Smith.An Application of automated decision logic in diagnostic radiology.Data Processing; Radiology, Medical1980-06thesis
25 Weidner, Barbara LouiseAn assessment of factors contributing to hospital utilization: and a look at deficiencies in the Utah projection process of hospital bed demand.Utilization Review; Utah1980-06thesis
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