1 - 25 of 76
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1 A model for the establishment of a University related research Park within a framework of selected management principles1970Text
2 A relational view of consumer social learning in virtual communities2014-12Text
3 Accounting measurement and beta risk measures2012-08Text
4 An environmental study of the development of the Utah labor movement, 1860-19351968Text
5 An environmental study of the development of the Utah labor movement, 1860-1935 vol.21968Text
6 Board monitoring, director connections, and credit quality2019Text
7 Can you expect the boss to be ethical? the effects of the boss' power and status on subordinates' trust2016Text
8 Changes in market structure and financial market outcomes2014-08Text
9 Collateral, two-dimensional moral hazard, and competition2012-12Text
10 The counteractive effect of taboo: how taboo associations can fuel rather than suppress indulgence in desirable activities2018Text
11 Developing a model of jealousy expression and manifestation in organizational settings within same- and mixed-sex triads2014Text
12 Differential benefits to firms participating in multipartner collaborative innovation2010-08Text
13 The differential impact of top-ranked and mainstream reviewers on product sales and other reviewers2018Text
14 The disruption model of inspiration: toward a general model of "being inspired to act"2014-08Text
15 Does dark trading affect the link between stock prices and fundamentals?2018Text
16 The effects of intuition on ethical decision making: the role of the concern for others' interests2016Text
17 The efficiency of resource reallocation within firms2011-08Text
18 Entrepreneurial value creation: three essays examining how entrepreneurs create value under conditions of uncertainty2018Text
19 Essays in empirical market microstructure2012-08Text
20 Essays in financial markets2015-08Text
21 Essays in healthcare quality and efficiency: an operations management examination2012-05Text
22 Essays in supply chain management2016Text
23 Essays on corporate finance2013-08Text
24 Essays on innovation: contests and clockspeed2019Text
25 Essays on investor sentiment and institutional trading momentum2016Text
1 - 25 of 76