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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Raihan, MahfuzA macroeconomic model for determining yields on municipal bond market for states under U.S. monetary unionMacroeconomy; municipal bond; probability of default; real business cycle; State Finance2015-12dissertation
2 Poulson, Robbi NanetteBayesian additive regression trees and the next generation of juvenile justice risk assessmentsBayesian additive regression trees; Bayesian; juvenile justice; risk assessment2019dissertation
3 Hannah, Richard LloydCase study of underground coal mining productivity in UtahCoal mines and mining; Coal miners; Coal trade1981-12dissertation
4 Whittle, Jason MatthewClimate change, asymmetric costs, and the challenge to the capitalist system of production: a macroeconomic perspectiveAsymmetric costs; Bayesian updating; Climate Change; Distribution; Macro; Post-Keynesian2015dissertation
5 Kangas, Alexander A.The collective action problem of capitalists and the relative autonomy of the stateclub theory; golden age; marx; political economy; regulation; state2015-08dissertation
6 Vester, Adam BennyCommunity property law and cohabitation ratescohabitation; common law; community property; divorce law; Wisconsin2013-05dissertation
7 Pratoomchat, PraopanComparative explanations of East Asia's growth using neoclassical and post-keynesian modelsEast Asia; Growth model; Neoclassical; Post-keynesian2013-12dissertation
8 Martineau, Michael DeeThe competitive effects of charter schools in UtahCharter schools; Competition; Competitive effect; School choice2013-05dissertation
9 Cantekin, KeremCrime and punishment: effects of the labor market on incarceration in the United StatesEconomics; Labor economics; Sociology2018dissertation
10 Pace, Levi NelsonDebtors in consumer bankruptcy: navigating 2005 bankruptcy reformBankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act; BAPCPA; consumer finance; policy evaluation2013-05dissertation
11 Albarzinji, Zaid JamalDeposit dollarization dynamics in a model of network externalities and hysteresis: the cases of Argentina and BoliviaAsset substitution; Currency competition; Currency substitution; Dollarization; Hysteresis; Network externalities2011-05dissertation
12 Verma, KartikThe Determinants and consequences of improved sanitation toilets in Rural India2019dissertation
13 Anderson, Sakshi HazuriaDeterminants of copper demand: an end-use informed model2019dissertation
14 Changwatchai, PiyaphanDeterminants of FDI inflows by industry to asean (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam)FDI determinants; FDI in asean; Foreign direct investment; Gravity equation; Industry-level FDI; Southeast Asia2010dissertation
15 Isidro Luna, Victor ManuelDevelopment banks in economic development: two Latin American experiences: (nacional financiera and the banco nacional de desenvolvimento economico E social)Bndes; Development banks; Latin America; Money; NAFINSA2013-08dissertation
16 Togrul, HandeDomestic labor and wellbeing: the Evlatlık institution in turkeyCapabilities Approach; Care Work; Domestic Labor; Feminist Economics; Poverty; Wellbeing2016dissertation
17 Maisch, Stephen F.Dominicans, decompression, and doping: three essays on the economics of sportsBaseball player labor market; Competitive balance; Game theory; Marginal revenue product estimation; Performance enhancing drugs; Sports economics2011-08dissertation
18 Liechty, Elden ElmerEconomic and Political forces shaping the smoot-hawley tariff act of 19301972dissertation
19 Strenio, Jacqueline AnnThe economic consequences of intimate partner violence over the life cycle2018dissertation
20 Bannister, Stephen CharlesEconomic development with unlimited supplies of energy: causes and consequences of industrial revolutionsEnergy and development; English industrial revolution; Industrial capitalism; Sung Chinese industrial revolution; Economic history2015dissertation
21 Abebe, BerhanieThe economics of ethnic federalism in Ethiopiaeconomics2006dissertation
22 Abebe, BerhanieThe economics of ethnic federalism in Ethiopia2006dissertation
23 Huh, YunsunThe effect of home country characteristics on female immigrants in the U.S.Cultural and institutional effect; Earning capacity; GEM; GDI; Gender inequality; Labor market success of immigrants; Self-selection of immigrants2011-08dissertation
24 Haskell, sr., Richard EarlThe effects of dual credit enrollment on secondary and higher education outcomes: the Utah caseDual credit; Early college high school; Education policy; Higher education; Human capital; Secondary education2015-05dissertation
25 Nishizawa, TakashiThe effects of military expenditure on economic development in developing countries: structuralist approachEconomics; Military studies; International relations2018dissertation
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