An exothermal energy release layer for microchip transience

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Publication Type pre-print
School or College College of Engineering
Department Electrical & Computer Engineering
Creator Mastrangelo, Carlos H.
Other Author Pandey, Shashank S.
Title An exothermal energy release layer for microchip transience
Date 2013-01-01
Description A single layer nanothermite spin coated gel has been utilized as a solid-state exothermic energy release layer for triggered microchip transience. A proportional combination of self-assembled CuO/Al nanothermite and Napalm-B as gelling agent has been used to develop for the first time a spinable nanothermite film onto the surface of a micro-chip. This layer when ignited instantaneously releases enough heat energy to melt the surface of the underlying substrate and any surface-bound microdevices, electronic feature or any surface deposited component. We observe the effect of thermite enabled destruction prior and post ignition through microscopic imaging and electrical measurements on surface bound components.
Type Text
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Pandey, S. S., & Mastrangelo, C. H. (2013). An exothermal energy release layer for microchip transience. IEEE SENSORS 2013 - Proceedings, 6688572.
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Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 1,326,987 bytes
Identifier uspace,18488
ARK ark:/87278/s6s78rbp
Setname ir_uspace
ID 712053
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