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Show 282 APl'ENDl"X. such should be the course Il app!' ly pursued, .I fully believe tl1at the mixture of co Io rs, m. tll C sa, rne J>opulat.w n, would soon be found perfectly ,,w rrn1 e ss. Every man, .w hite or bl.a ck, would rest on In. s own rcsponsi' b'l't , haracter, hke other thmgs, would I I y ' c . find I.t s natura1 1e ve1 ', 1l.g 1 1 t ,a nd truth wou. ld spread without ob- struct.w n ; an d t 1lC N ort l l American U mon would afford to an adm.l n. ng worI I I ]' 1 and unsullied evidence of the truth of l' a sp cnlH . . . . " that m.lg 1 lt y pn.n ci.p l c, OI1 which her constitutiOn IS founded. A. ll men arc create d EQ UAL ,. 'a nd arc endowed by the Creator With certain INALIENABLE rights-I~IFE, I.lBEH.TY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS." N B. The above Tract was published in America, early in tl1C s'p r.m g of 183•9 · It is now reprinted mainly for tl1e purpose of s1 w w·w g t1 t a t the.. abolition ' by the fede.r al government, of slavery 1. 11 tI 1 e d'I S t n.c · t o f Columbia and Flonda, and also of th. e . 1 1 d ould be in perftct accordance both W<th 111tcrna s avc-tra e, w . the letter and sp1. n. t oi f the constitution of tlte Umted States. That righteousness, mercy, an d t ru th' call aloud for the adop-tion of these measures, can scarcely fail to be acknowledged by every reflecting Christian. TilE END. :llorlllirl) : rll\N.!Eil !IV JOSIAII l'LETCIIJm, UPI'EII llAYMAI\KET. WORKS BY THE SAME AUTHOR. Second edition, Bvo. price lOs. boards, BIBLICAL NOTES AND DISSERTATIONS, chiefly intended to confirm and illustrate the Doctrine of the Deity of Christ. Fifth edition, 12mo. price 6s. 6d. cloth boards, or in Svo. 9s. ESSAYS ON THE EVIDENCES, DOCTRINES, & PRACTICAL OPERATION OF CHRISTIANITY. Seventh edition, 8vo. price 9s. cloth boards, OBSERVATIONS ON THE DISTINGUISHING VIEWS AND PRACTICES OF THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. Fifth edition, J 8mo. price J s. 6d. cloth lettered; bound in silk 2s. 6d. ESSAY ON THE HABITUAL EXERCISE OF LOVE TO GOD, considered as a preparation for heaven. Third edition, 18mo. cloth lettered, price Js. 6d. HINTS ON THE PORTABLE EVIDENCE OF CHRISTIANITY. In 8vo. price Js. 6d. SABBATICAL VERSES. Third edition, 18mo. cloth, price h . 3d. BRIEF REMARKS ON THE HISTORY, AUTHORITY, AND USE OF THE SABBATH. In 8vo. stitched, price 6d. STRICTURES ON CERTAIN PARTS OF AN ANONYMOUS PAMPHLET entitled "THE TRUTH VINDICATED.,' In 12mo. stitched, price 3d. GUIDE TO THE INSTRUCTION OF YOUNG PERSONS IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. |