Large Logo for the film "Queer but True: The Tragic Love and Deaths of Ruth and Sarah"

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Title Large Logo for the film "Queer but True: The Tragic Love and Deaths of Ruth and Sarah"
Description Color image art nouveau style image of Ruth Drake and Sarah Watt Lundstedt framed with bleeding hearts, along with the logo of the Ruth & Sarah Movie
Subject "Queer but True: The Tragic Love and Deaths of Ruth and Sarah" movie, Art Nouveau, Ruth Drake, Sarah Watt Lundstedt, Lesbians, Gay Suicides, Gay Suicides in Utah, Film Logo
Creator Carl Crossgrove
Date 2021-05-21
Spatial Coverage Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Format image/jpeg
Rights Holder Skins Edge Productions
Contributor Skins Edge Productions, "Queer But True: The Tragic Love and Death of Ruth and Sarah" Movie/docudrama
Type Image
Genre color photograph; digital paintings; posters
Language eng
Relation Drake, Lundstedt
Is Part of Subfolder-4-Film Press & Marketing
Relation Has Part Subfolder-4c-Movie Poster
ARK ark:/87278/s6e8r4xj
Metadata Cataloger Megan Garcia
Setname dha_cdlgbtuh
ID 2592812
Reference URL