June 21, 1941 San Francisco Examiner Death Notice for Frank Smiley

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Title June 21, 1941 San Francisco Examiner Death Notice for Frank Smiley
Description Text document crop of page 13 Death Notices from the June 21, 1941 issue of the San Francisco Examiner Frank Smiley is second from last on the list of names
Subject Death Notices, Frank Smiley, Research Material
Creator Staff Writer at the San Francisco Examiner
Date 1941-06-21
Spatial Coverage San Francisco, California, United States https://www.geonames.org/5391959/san-francisco.html
Format image/jpeg
Rights https://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/
Rights Holder The San Francisco Examiner
Holding Institution Utah Historical Society
Type Text
Genre death notices; newspaper clippings
Extent 1 page
Language eng
Relation Smiley, Frank
ARK ark:/87278/s62fbd1s
Metadata Cataloger Megan Garcia
Setname dha_cdlgbtuh
ID 2592712
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s62fbd1s