Clean and secure energy from Utah's oil shale and oil sands resources: Environmental, legal and policy framework

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Publication Type poster
Research Institute Institute for Clean and Secure Energy (ICSE)
Author Ruple, John; Keiter, Robert
Title Clean and secure energy from Utah's oil shale and oil sands resources: Environmental, legal and policy framework
Date 2010-04-28
Description This poster addresses major challenges to land use, water availability, and produced water.
Type Text; Image
Publisher University of Utah, Institute for Clean and Secure Energy
Subject ICSE; Land use; Water availability; Produced water; Utah; Colorado; Colorado River
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Ruple, J., & Keiter, R. (2010). Clean and secure energy from Utah's oil shale and oil sands resources: Environmental, legal and policy framework.
Relation Has Part Draft Presentation: University of Utah Unconventional Fuels Conference, April 28, 2010, Salt Lake City, Utah
Rights Management (c) John Ruple, Robert Keiter
Format Medium application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s60894dq
Setname ir_eua
ID 214215
Reference URL